Here’s the annual training summary – I just copied last year’s format for ease of use and changed the numbers.
I checked both Strava and Training Peaks / WKO4 to get the numbers. The swim/bike/run totals were accurate across both programs, however WKO had kept my total hours based on all my strength / Pilates work that I logged into Training Peaks and not Strava. I’ll continue to add strength work / yoga / Pilates to the annual totals from now on.
2017 Totals:
Swim – 371,075 yards –> 211 miles // 109 Hours // 141 Swims
Bike – 2,517 miles // 154 Hours // 124 Rides
Run – 983 miles // 134 Hours // 177 Runs
Strength / Pilates / Yoga – 47 hours
Races – 15 (10 triathlons–> 4x HIM, 2x Olympic, 4x sprint)
Total – 3702 miles
Total Time – 454 hours
For comparison, I’ve put the 2016 and 2015 figures below:
2016 Totals:
Swim – 317,679 yards –> 180.5 miles // 102 Hours // 159 Swims
Bike – 1830 miles // 159 Hours // 148 Rides
Run – 908.6 miles // 127 Hours // 179 Runs
Races – 17 (11 triathlons–> 1x HIM, 1x IM, 6x Olympic, 3x sprint)
Total – 2919.1 miles
Total Time – 388 hours
2015 Totals:
Swim – 320,710 yards –> 182.22 miles
Bike – 2418.8 miles
Run – 909.6 miles
Races – 13 (10 triathlons–> 3x HIM, 1x IM, 1 OWS, 2 bike TTs)
Total – 3510.62 miles
Total Time – 442 hours
My swim volume went up nicely this year due to staying consistent with a Master’s group. December kind of fell of due to travel and illness, so I missed my 400k goal. However, I swam less sessions than 2016 but had a higher overall volume – most likely due to some of the monster sessions I’ve done at Masters.
My bike volume is the highest it’s been since I started triathlon in 2008. This year I’ve finally started to gain some “bike legs” so all the miles have added up over time along with my use of a Wahoo KICKR / Zwift / ERG mode.
My run volume is a little higher due to an end of season open half marathon where I finally PR’d and went sub-1:30. I still need to break 1000 miles in a year…looks like it’ll be next year.
Here’s some of the nerdery:
Strava log is here
2017 was a good year. I built up to my big “A” races in May, then took June easy before I started the training onslaught again in July. By August, I was in race shape and raced 3 weeks in a row in September and hung on to the wisps of my fitness. I did bare bones training in October for the final sprint triathlon, then kept up some fitness in November for an open half marathon. December was a wash, so it’s all up from here.
Things I did well in 2017:
1. Race Weight / Nutrition – I’ve been able to finally cut down my weight and body fat to a decent race weight (~153 pounds @ 5’8’’). I’m still planning on getting down to 150 and cutting more body fat, but the nutrition plan has worked. It’s a bit expensive but worth it for me.
2. New PR’s all around – looks like all the consistency paid off this year. I lowered my Olympic and 70.3 PR’s. I don’t really feel tired coming out of swims as much as before and I’ve been able to lay down some pain on the bike. I even lowered my open half marathon time down by 5 minutes.
3. Improved aerodynamics – I got re-fit earlier in 2017 and tweaked a few things up on the bike (latex tubes, etc). It’s seemed to help as I’m moving decently fast in aero and not pushing as many watts as before.
4. Picked up Pilates – this helped tremendously to improve my “feel” for how to use my body and it has paid off in my running.
Things I need to work on for 2018:
1. Strength / Mobility – I’ve let this go over time and I’m hanging on to scraps of my strength via Pilates, but lifting some heavy things for a bit should help. For mobility, focusing on releasing my left hip flexor and loosening my ankles will help with my swim and run.
2. Run – I plan on adding a bit more volume this year to prepare for the 140.6 onslaught. I’d like to get a little faster on the track as well.
3. Bike V02 / Hard Pacing – I need to ride outdoors so I’m aiming on finally getting a good road bike to put some serious miles in. I’ve found that I can hold 70.3 speed pretty well on a race, but I haven’t been able to hold my top end yet on an Olympic or Sprint, so I’ll need some work on pushing that high-threshold and holding it.
4. Swim – this has always been the bane of my existence due to being an adult onset swimmer. It has gotten tremendously better this year due to consistent Master’s work, but I still have a long ways to go. The technique is devilry – I think I’m doing things right then I see video and I look like a cripple.
Thanks to all my friends and family for the support this past year. I’m looking forward to 2018!